The Best Equipment

Exercise Program

Research indicates that exercise combined with chiropractic manipulation is more effective than just exercise or manipulation alone. This is why exercise is an integral part of the Grand Chiropractic recovery program.

Many employees have been off of work for weeks or months before starting care with us. As a result, we evaluate the deconditioning of each patient, and plan his or her return to work program accordingly.

Our conditioning assessment and program begins immediately the first week of treatment. We want to stress the muscle cells sufficiently to promote recovery, without exceeding their threshold.

Acute Phase of Care

During the acute phase of care, we prefer to see new patients daily for up to eight (8) visits. This allows us to quickly reduce pain and reduce further deconditioning.


The work-conditioning program generally lasts two weeks. This program is custom tailored to each patient, helping him or her prepare to perform work-related tasks. This part of the program goes beyond aerobic conditioning and works on good body mechanics and safe work practices. Those patients who complete this program will be better suited to perform and complete their job tasks, and achieve a higher level of function.

For a look at some of the equipment we use, click here.


After the two-week work-conditioning is completed, the patient's progress will be re-evaluated. The testing/re-evaluation process involves using the latest technology in Functional Capacity Evaluation, which allows us to test for strength and continued deficiencies, ultimately enabling us to determine the patient’s ability to return to work safely and effectively.


Grand Chiropractic's work-hardening program helps employees return to work with the ability to perform their usual and customary occupation safely, and with a decreased risk of suffering another injury. This two-day program helps address fear factors, avoid further de-conditioning, and teaches proper biomechanics and safety techniques.

Permanent and Stationary Evaluation

Sample Report Cover
Click the above image to download a PDF sample of the data portion of a Functional Capacity Evaluation Report
Sample P & S Report Cover
Click the above image to download a PDF sample of Permanent and Stationary (P&S) Report

After the patient has completed the plan of care and is ready to return to work, we will conduct a Final Functional Capacity Evaluation, as well as a Permanent and Stationary Evaluation. This includes a report (approximately 25-pages long) with the following information:

  • Summarized patient records, including but not limited to:
    • Patient history,
    • initial and final complaints,
    • initial and final exam findings,
    • initial and final examination findings,
    • initial and final diagnosis,
    • treatment records, outside doctor reports,
    • MRI,
    • neurodiagnostic studies,
    • discussions of causation,
    • apportionment,
    • description of disability,
    • work preclusions, and
    • future medical care (if indicated).

  • A recalculation using the AMA Calculator to determine any Final Whole Person Impairment, along with supportive calculations, chapters, section and page numbers.

  • A Notice to Return to Work, including any work preclusions, which can be provided to the employer.

Return to Work

If everything goes according to plan, most patients are able to return to work within a month. Of course, delayed authorizations and significant MRI, NCV/EMG findings may lengthen this time table.

When even the simplest injuries are delayed treatment, the patient's condition can rapidly deteriorate. This, in turn, can lead to further disability or impairment due to adhesive build-up, chronicity, pain and fear factors.


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